- European Commission Grant – African Sustainability Infrastructure Mobility (ASIM)
- The Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme supports higher education cooperation between countries in Africa and aims to promote sustainable development by increasing the availability of trained and qualified high-level professional manpower in Africa. The primary objective is to improve the skills and competences of students and staff through enhanced mobility between African countries. This grant offers scholarship for postgraduate students at Master and PhD levels for Credit and Degree seeking candidates.
- InVEST Seed Grant: International Virtual Engineering Students Training (InVEST) Seed grant from the University of Toronto for biogas recovery from Casava Waste project.
- Travel Support to University of Oklahoma International Water Conference in the United States.
- Professional Development Course Award on Solid Waste Management, Widener University, Philadelphia, USA.
- Travel Support to International Conference on Solid Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT) Beijing, China.
- Travel Support to International Conference on Solid Waste Management and Circular Economy (IconSWM-CE) at KIIT (Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology), Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.
- Fulbright Scholarship as a Research Scholar to the United States of America
- $2500 Research Grant from the Institute of International Education, NY, U.S.A.
- Fulbright Selected Participant at the Special Fulbright Program Series NY, U.S.A
- EESC-A Scholar, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada.
- Excellent Paper Award by the Steering Committee of the 13th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology. Basel and Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific, 21st – 24th March, 2018, Beijing, China.
- Exceptional Lecturer Award: Presented by the College of Science and Technology, and Engineering, Covenant University.
- Franklin Membership Award ID #IC12870
- Honorary Rosalind Member of London Journals Press ID #LD07639
- Travel and In-Country Grant for visit to selected Material Recovery and Waste Management Facilities in the United States
- Travel Support to Urban Environmental Pollution Conference, Toronto, Canada
- Travel Grant to INTED International Conference, Valencia, Spain
- Conference Travel Support to EDULEARN International Conference, Barcelona, Spain
- Award of 5000 Euro for Pre-Proposal to hosting a Postdoc Research Fellow in Civil Engineering from the University of Tuebingen, Germany.
- Award to the sum of 130, 900 EUR (One Hundred and Thirty Thousand, Nine Hundred Euro) to host a Postdoc Fellowship for African Researchers in Engineering Sciences from University of Tübingen by Volkswagen Stiftung, Germany.
- Visiting Research Scholar Position, Department of Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
- International Conference on Solid Waste Management and Circular Economy (IconSWM-CE) Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
- International Conference support for ABET Symposium Grand Hyatt Hotel, San Diego, California, USA
- International Conference support to WEFTEC, McCormick Place Chicago, USA.
- International Conference Support on Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain
- International Conference support to Water and Health Conference: Science, Policy and Innovation, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hills, USA.
- International Conference Support on Solid Waste Management (ICSW), Widener University, Chester, Philadelphia, USA.
- Travel Grant to attend Workshop on Engineering Education for Sustainable Cities in Africa, Livingstone, Zambia.